Sunday, April 22, 2012

Community Gardens and Soils

The Macon Roots organization which promotes community gardening in Macon,the Beall's Hill Neighborhood Association, and Centenary Church have a wonderfully productive garden located in the green space behind Centenary Church on Ash Street.  Its twelve raised beds are communal.  There are no individual plots and the harvest is shared.  The folks who volunteer reap a harvest of fresh vegetables and sense of purposeful community.
Munsell Soil Color Chart
 The Munsell Soil Color Chart helps gardeners determine the type of soil in their garden.

Igneous Rocks

     Igneous rocks are formed when melted rock deep in the Earth, called magma, cools and solidifies.  Magma may become trapped in underground pockets and cool slowly.  It may, instead, be forced to the surface of the planet and ejected from a volcano.  Ejected magma is called lava.  Either way, the result is called igneous rock.
     Granite is an igneous rock which forms in slowly cooling pockets of magma that were trapped beneath the earth's surface.  After it cools, it is raised to the surface by tectonic forces.  Granite is composed of feldspar, hornblende, and quartz rock.
     Pumice is an igneous rock which forms when lava cools quickly above ground. You can see where air pockets were as it cooled. Pumice is very light and some actually float in water. 
     Obsidian is an igneous rock that forms when lava cools quickly above ground. It is glass-like and the edges are very sharp.
     Basalt is another igneous rock that is formed when lava cools on the surface.  It is fine-grained and very heavy.